Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Classical Romantic And Modern Era - 1058 Words

Ludwig Van Beethoven was German Composer Pianist I have never thought of writing for reputation and honor. What I have in my heart must out; that is the reason why I compose Ludwig Van Beethoven piano compositions were published at the age of thirteen. He took a simple ideas creates his works of music creates into large masterpiece. His life was plagued of having several tragedies mother was critically ill and father becomes alcoholic and 1ater they decided to dismiss his father from court choir. Personal life was marked by a struggle against deafness and some of his most important works were composed during the last 10 years of his life, when he was quite unable to hear. He was well known and viewed as transitional figure, most of composition were in period of the Classical Romantic and Modern era. Ludwig van Beethoven demand perfection and meant he worked extreme hard. Ludwig van Beethoven remained a mystery he he completed a single symphony within one year. He self educated and read several novels of Shakespeare and the ancient classics. Despite loss of his hearing, Ludwig van Beethoven created the most beautiful and powerful masterpiece of music. â€Å"His music was not entertainment, but aShow MoreRelatedTransition of Music from Classical Era to the Postmodern Era1058 Words   |  5 PagesClassical to the Post-Modern Eras In this essay, I’m going to trace the development of Classical Music from the late 1750s to the Post-Modern era in the 2000s and provide a brief history of music, and how they link together to form what we have today. There are many preconceptions of what the history of music is. Some people think it is mainly a biography of composer’s lives, but they are wrong. The history of music is primarily the history of musical style. 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The Romantic and Classic ages of European music can be simply put as the period of time between the deaths of Ludwig Van Beethoven in 1827, and that of Gustav Mahler in 1911. Despite this convenient partition, history has never been one to divide itself so preciselyRead MoreEssay on Western Music1354 Words   |  6 PagesWestern Music dates back from 1200 BC. We can divide each major element of Western Music into periods. Some of the major periods of Western Music consist of Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern Music. Each period contributed key elements that have influenced the formatio n of music. These key periods helped form the musical geniuses;Bach, Beethoven,Mozart,Verdi, and Copland. The Baroque period lasted from 1600-1750. 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The great thing about music is that it comes in many different styles: Pop, Jazz, Classical, Country, Blues, Rock and Roll, Rap, Hip Hop and Techno, to name a few. How did music originate? Well, keep reading, because that’s what I’m about to show you. Mu†¢sic - (myoÍžozik) - (1) a. The science or art of ordering tonesRead More The Influence of The Impressionist Era Essay1015 Words   |  5 PagesInfluence of The Impressionist Era Impressionism, one of the later eras in classical music composition. An era where emotions are expressed vividly while still following musical structure, where music caused much political controversy, and where France became known for its musical talent. In this essay you will read of how impressionism set a lasting mark in musical and national histories, and how it influenced modern music as we know it. The Impressionist Era all started with Claude DebussyRead MoreEssay on The Romantic Era a.k.a. the Enlightment Era649 Words   |  3 PagesThe romantic era was mostly considered the enlightenment era because it brought change to the way a person would look at nature and themselves. This changed how people imagined things. By the end of the 19th century the romantic era was started. Many artisans took this change to make literature, music, and poetry more emotional and self-embodiment. During this time period artists became famous and inspired many people with their works. Caspar David Friedrich was a famous artist who lived from 1774-1840Read MoreFrom the concrete structure of the Baroque period to the free-form structure of the Modern period1300 Words   |  6 PagesFrom the concrete structure of the Baroque period to the free-form structure of the Modern period each composer brings forth a new understanding and value to their time period. Within these pieces that they creatively compose it brings new light and displays the culture of the time period. The composers each have story to tell and has each creatively constructed their own works within the diameters of their era. The music of the Baroque period was focused on having music be a tool of communicationRead MoreThe Contributions Of The Romantic Era And Romanticism1107 Words   |  5 Pagessociety. The Romantic Era or Romanticism took place during the late 18th century to the late 19th century focused on following people’s hearts more than their minds. These time periods played a key role in shaping the society we know and live in today. Elon Musk said it best when it came to the Enlightenment, â€Å"Really, the only thing that makes sense is to strive for greater collective enlightenment.† The Enlightenment was based on reason, common sense, and freedom. During this era, many philosophers

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