Thursday, December 26, 2019

Views of university students on unemployment - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 856 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/06/10 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Unemployment Essay Did you like this example? This study considers the effectiveness of Public and Private sector SME-development programs and current development of SMEs in AJK. Some important facts are presented. A comprehensive international literature study was undertaken. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Views of university students on unemployment" essay for you Create order A questionnaire was developed for small and medium sized-enterprises owners and top managers to access the status of their enterprises and also to examine SMEs developmental strategies adopted by them. Chi-square test was employed for analysis of the data. The study find that SME are of overwhelming importance to AJK because they account for more than 90 percent of all firms outside the agricultural sector. Second, the main constraints faced by small entrepreneurs are cumbersome and onerous business regulations and restrictions, lack of finance, and low human resource and technological capabilities. Finally, the government has been the most important supporting agency for SMEs in AJK. However, evidence of the effectiveness of government and private programs to support SME development is mixed and not so encouraging. After analyzing the current SMEs developmental strategies (adopted by both public and private sectors) the study suggested public private partnership (PPP) as future stra tegy for SMEs development in AJK Pakistan. The Influence of Demographical Factors on the Interaction between Entrepreneurship and Unemployment: The interaction between entrepreneurship and unemployment essentially determines a persons status in the labour market. An examination of the mutual relations of entrepreneurship and unemployment showed that in both theory and practice, there are a push (unemployment encourages to start up business) and pull (business reduces unemployment) effects. Demographic factors most often used in empirical studies were determined: education, age, gender, marital status, marriage, unemployment/employment experience, ethnic minorities, immigration, race have different impact on business development. There are three factors the unemployment experience, education, age which can positively and negatively affect the business. Positive impact on business is made by a parent/spousers presence as entrepreneur, emigration, work experience, ethnic minorities; a negative impact on business is exerted by the existence of gender differences. Marital status affects mens and womens willingness to start up a business. Pearsonrs correlation and regression reliability calculations of demographic and business characteristics showed that a strong relationship exists between the indicator of the relation between the number of established companies with a ratio of the number of operating firms with the unemployment duration (1-2 months, 3-5 months) and the number of unemployed men and women in higher education/occupational training. This proves that the short-term unemployment and higher education of both genders have positive effects on business creation, which may cause a reduced unemployment. A strong correlation between the number of newly established enterprises and the unemployment duration (1-2 months) and the education of unemployed persons of both genders showed that the demographic factors largely contribute to the push effect. Unemployment has brought some serious problems like poverty, crimes and suicides that eradicating unemployment would be the hard job itself. Government is not the only one who responsible to reduce the percent of jobless but also all those who can actively contribute to be job- creator and not job seekers. The International Labor Organization predicts unemployment will rise by about 2.3 million this year to 199.4 million, and that 1.1 million will be added to the global count in 2017, taking joblessness to more than 200 million for the first time on record. Unemployment Rate in Nepal increased to 3.20 percent in 2016 from 3 percent in 2015. Unemployment Rate in Nepal averaged 2.97 percent from 1991 until 2016, reaching an all-time high of 4.50 percent in 1996 and a record low of 1.90 percent in 1999. As mentioned earlier, entrepreneurs play a vital role in job creation and providing opportunities to young people.It is now becoming increasingly important because of the changes in economic structure and the use of technology. Nepal has shifted from an agrarian economy to a non-agrarian economy, and subsistence farming alone does not provide enough livelihood opportunities for many. This calls for new initiatives for business or self-employment in many non-farming sectors, although there are opportunities to be innovative and creative in the farming sector. The use of modern technology coupled with a shrinking public sector has reduced the scope for large-scale employment opportunities in Nepal. With less experience and fewer skills than many adults, young people often encounter particular difficulty accessing work. The global youth unemployment rate, which has long exceeded that of other age groups, saw its largest annual increase on record in 2009; at its peak, 75.8 million young people were unemployed. United Nations World Youth Report, 2012 We are entering the era of unparalleled talent scarcity, which, if left unaddressed, will put a brake on economic growth around the world, and will fundamentally change the way we approach workforce challenges. Jean Charest, Premier of Quebec, World Economic Forum Global Talent Risk Report, 2011 Entrepreneurship and innovation are priority areas for the EU as they offer opportunities to overcome the current crisis, increase global competitiveness and ensure sustainable and profitable growth (Homolova et al., 2014). Moreover, entrepreneurship is regarded as ?the heart of innovation, productivity growth, competitiveness, economic growth and job creation (Grilo and Thurik, 2006, p.4), being associated with personal success. The Europe 2020 strategy recognises entrepreneurship and self-employment as key for achieving smart, sustainable and inclusive growth (European Commission, 2010).

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Controversy Around Banning Books Essay - 852 Words

The subject of censorship is a very controversial one, especially the banning of books. Many people believe they must protect themselves and others from the quot;evilsquot; of many classic books and works of art because they can be deemed quot;indecentquot; in one way or another. Many believe that this is absurd and censorship in its current form is a violation of our First Amendment right to free speech. Personally, I align myself with the latter, however I do feel there are occasions where censorship is justifiable. The censorship of books is a division of censorship that, apart from Internet censorship, receives the most publicity. Banning books is the most popular form of such censorship. Many banned books are literary classics,†¦show more content†¦It is my belief that since by the time the child is required to read such literature in school, they are at an age where they can distinguish between things that should and should not be said and it is the job of the parents to educate the child that just because they say it in a book does not mean he or she should.Another subject common to banned and censored books is sexuality. An excellent example of a book in question containing sexual content is The Chocolate War, by Robert Cormier, which ranked number 5 on the ACLUs list. Now considering the fact that this frequently banned book is written for young adults of middle and high school age, Im sure the author included this content, and the often graphic language associated with such content, because it made the book more realistic and possibly because it made the novel more appealing to the age bracket. Fiction is not the only genre faced with banning and censorship. Educational books such as the sex education text Its Perfectly Normal by Robie Harris and The New Teenage Body Book by Kathy McCoy and Charles Wibbelsmanare under attack because they discuss sex-related topics. All I have to say about this is sexuality is a fact of life, not some forbidden subject. Adolescents need to know this information so they dont go off an ruin their life by having a baby while they are in their teens or catching a disease because theyShow MoreRelatedThe Controversy Around Banning Books889 Words   |  4 Pagesone, especially the banning of books. Many people believe they must protect themselves and others from the evils of many classic books and works of art because they can be deemed indecent in one way or another. Many believe that this is absurd and censorship in its current form is a violation of our First Amendment right to free speech. Personally, I align myself with the latter, however I do feel there are occasions where censorship is justifiable. The censorship of books is a division of censorshipRead MoreBanned Books1233 Words   |  5 PagesBanned Books 3 Where Have All the Books Gone? Books are dangerous. They make you thinkÂ…feelÂ…wonderÂ…. They make you ask questions (Weiss p.2). At the present time, at least seventy-five books are being banned. This is hurting our culture more than it is helping. This has to be stopped; books cannot be taken off of the shelves at the rate that they are today. The books that are being taken off of the shelves are, for the most part, considered classics. The act of book banning puts limitationsRead MoreEssay on Censorship and Banned Books1191 Words   |  5 PagesCensorship and Banned Books Books are dangerous. They make you thinkÂ…feelÂ…wonderÂ…. They make you ask questions (Weiss p.2). At the present time, at least seventy-five books are being banned. This is hurting our culture more than it is helping. 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To challenge or ban a book means to censor information under the best intentions or try to prevent ‘inappropriate’ topics from being released to the public. Books are banned in America because of litigious topics such as drug use, homosexuality, cultural insensitivity, sexual content, political viewpoint, religion, or othe r controversial topics. Uncle Tom’s Cabin gives the reader an insight into the lives ofRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1319 Words   |  6 Pageshistory, it is an incredibly important book that is used to study many aspects of race relations in the United States in the early to mid twentieth century, more specifically during the Great Depression. The purpose of this discussion is to look at the reasons why Of Mice and Men has been banned and is currently banned in certain places around the world. 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For Huck Finn in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain and Scout in To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, growing up in times of racial injustice allows readers to see the value of not ignoring history’s real world problems and how they are portrayed in controversial American literature. â€Å"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn†, one of most commonly banned books, is aboutRead MoreArticle Review : Land Of The Free 1218 Words   |  5 PagesLand of the Free?: Book Censorship in the United States In the eyes of many, America can be summed up in a single word: freedom. However, this freedom Americans often boast of is not as unrestricted as many are led to believe. Book censorship not only impinges on the rights of free speech for young students, but also freedom of the press for authors. Book censorship has been around as long as books themselves have. For example, Socrates, a well-known and respected philosopher and teacher, was forcedRead MoreCensorship Will Always Interfere With Freedom Of Speech1396 Words   |  6 Pagesof speech. In Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, censorship is one of the main topics depicted. Censorship including the banning of books has been an issue though out history. There has been violence similar to the book burnings by the Firemen in the novel. In Bradbury’s novel, Guy Montag is a Fireman who cannot understand why books have to be burned. He questions what is in the books that can’t be shared with people. Guy questions his boss, Captain Beatty. Beatty explains, â€Å"Obviously, The danger is

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Genetics Essay Example For Students

Genetics Essay GeneticsI interviewed Alicia Smith who attends the University of California at San Diego. I opened up the interview with a simple question asking her how she felt about the legality of the new rage in genetics: cloning. She said she thought that it is an extremely intriguing process but it should not be legal. I also asked her about how she felt on the subject of bringing back the dinosaurs. She said that even if we could come up with the dinosaur DNA, we wouldnt have the mediums to produce an actual dinosaur. In a recent movie titled Jurassic Park, their theory on bringing back dinosaurs was to use the blood from a misquito, that was preserved in hardened amber. She said it was a good idea but wouldnt work because there wouldnt be enough blood in the misquito to extract enough to get the DNA code. She had some very good thoughts on the subject of cloning humans. I asked her she thought that if we were to clone a human, would the clone act and think exactly the same as the original? She said No, for several reasons, the first being the fact that a good majority of personality and ability is impacted and created by the living environment therefore a clones personality and abilities will undoubtedly differ greatly from the original due to the different environment in which the clone will grow. The second major reason a clone would differ from the original concerns the complexity of genetics. One property of genetics is called incomplete penetrance. In basic terms it means that genes randomly can be ignored by the body. For example a certain percentage of people with the allele for a disease of incomplete penetrance will be normal (IE: not affected by the disease). Therefore, though a clone and its original have identical alleles, they may not both be affected by the same ones. Also, because females have two X chromosomes, by a process known as dosage compensation. An X chromosome in each cell is, in effect, turned off. Because this is a random process, it will be different in the clone than the original resulting indifferent traits. Genetics Essay achieved its first foothold on the secrets of natures evolutionary process when an Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel developed the first laws of heredity. Using these laws, scientists studied the characteristics of organisms for most of the next one hundred years following Mendels discovery. These early studies concluded that each organism has two sets of character determinants, or genes (Stableford 16). For instance, in regards to eye color, a child could receive one set of genes from his father that were encoded one blue, and the other brown. The same child could also receive two brown genes from his mother. The conclusion for this inheritance would be the child has a three in four chance of having brown eyes, and a one in three chance of having blue eyes (Stableford 16). Genes are transmitted through chromosomes which reside in the nucleus of every living organisms cells. Each chromosome is made up of fine strands of deoxyribonucleic acids, or DNA. The information carried on the DNA determines the cells function within the organism. Sex cells are the only cells that contain a complete DNA map of the organism, therefore, the structure of a DNA molecule or combination of DNA molecules determines the shape, form, and function of the organisms offspring (Lewin 1). DNA discovery is attributed to the research of three scientists, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, and James Dewey Watson in 1951. They were all later accredited with the Nobel Price in physiology and medicine in 1962 (Lewin 1). The new science of genetic engineering aims to take a dramatic short cut in the slow process of evolution (Stableford 25). In essence, scientists aim to remove one gene from an organisms DNA, and place it into the DNA of another organism. This would create a new DNA strand, full of new encoded instructions; a strand that would have taken Mother Nature millions of years of natural selection to develop. Isolating and removing a desired gene from a DNA strand involves many different tools. DNA can be broken up by exposing it to ultra-high-frequency sound waves, but this is an extremely inaccurate way of isolating a desirable DNA section (Stableford 26). A more accurate way of DNA splicing is the use of restriction enzymes, which are produced by various species of bacteria (Clarke 1). Business Ethics Essay I know that much of what Im writing is stuff that you already know, but Im doing it to make us both think about it more. Right now Michael is doing very well. He is just starting to have his share of problems. He is just beginning to waddle a bit and fall quite a lot. He also seems a bit awkward when walking around. And I hate to see when he is having difficulty rising from a standing or .

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Offense Principle Essays - Human Sexuality, Law, Behavior

The Offense Principle The Offense Principle The Offense Principle claims that individual liberty is justifiably limited to prevent offensive behavior. I believe that the Offense Principle provides the correct liberty limit n principles that the state should invoke. The state should prevent behavior that causes shame, embarrassment and discomfort from pornographic material and cts. There are three conditions that are typically understood to be part of the Offense Principle. The first condition states that behavior must be significantly offensive. A person burping in public is not offensive enough to be limited under this condition. But a man urinating as he walks down the street is significantly offensive and should be limited. The second condition states that the behavior must be offensive to almost everyone. This is an important condition because I think that if only a few people find something offensive, does not constitute the act to be limited. Many people may believe that someone picking his nose in public is offensive but not almost everyone believes this act to be offensive, therefore, this act could not be limited. A man masturbating in public is offensive to almost everyone, therefore, this act should be limited. The final condition states that an offensive act should be limited if you have to go out of your way to avoid the act. An "adult" bookstore containing pornographic material should not be limited because one does not have to go out of their way to avoid the store. They simply just do not enter into the store. But a man and woman having sex on a bench should be limited because one would have to restrain from looking in certain directions to avoid seeing the offensive act. I believe that pornography in public should be banned. This includes stores that sell pornographic material. Instead, these magazines and other pornographic materials should be kept separately in a private room, where you must be an adult to enter and purchase materials. Pornographic material that is kept privately either to be sold or to be viewed or used in the privacy of one's home, should not be banned. I see absolutely no reason why a person should not be allowed to view pornographic material in the privacy of their own home. Some people may argue with me and say that the Harm Principle should be invoked by the government. They may say that pornography increases the likelihood of harm. And I somewhat agree. I am sure that some harm has occurred because of pornography. But harm has also occurred because of alcohol, patriotism, cigarettes andreligion. These things are not banned so neither should pornography. There is even proof that cigarettes are harmful and they are still not banned. There is no proof saying that pornography causes people to do things that they normally would not do. Pornography can be erotic, which is something that is designed to produce sexual arousal. Someone may argue that it is wrong to produce sexual arousal. But people are given the right of freedom of expression. Pornography can be considered an art. There are many famous artists and pictures that include naked bodies that could be considered pornography. If pornography is abolished, these great artworks would have to be destroyed. Some people may argue with me and believe in the Principle of Legal Moralism, which states that individual liberty is justifiably limited to prevent immoral behavior. This principle seems to force morals on people. Every person has his or her own morals. If this principle was passed by legislation, rights of people would be taken away because of morals of others that are different from their own morals. Gambling (in some states) and homosexual relationships are examples of rights that may be taken away because of the Principle of Legal Moralism. Many people argue that pornography exploits women. As long as these women are not forced into participating in the pornographic material and it is of their own free will, there is no reason to completely limit pornography like some people would like to do. A major problem with the complete limitation of pornography is that the material is going to be made, whether it is made legally or illegally. If pornography is banned, an entire black market would start up and the government would not have any regulation at all. The Offense Principle provides for the above problems that people find with pornography. I believe that pornography is socially beneficial. Pornography provides pleasure without producing significant harm. It provides sex by proxy for lonely and deprived people. Pornography cuts down on criminal behavior by providing a release of tensions by substitute satisfactions. It gives